Testimonial - E82 120d - Quaife LSD - Mr Thomstad



I've put 700kms on the diff now, and it's performing brilliantly! The increase in traction on slippery surfaces is fenomenal, far greater than I expected. With the exception of one squished belleville washer Arctic Trucks did a fine job installing it, so if you get any other customers from the Oslo region you could always recommend Arctic Trucks as an installer :)

I've posted a thread on babybmw.net regarding the diff, will send you and update once winter arrives with more experiences, it's going to be very interesting to see how much improvment I will get on snow!
I really think BMW should offer these diffs as a factory option, although I understand the commercial reasons for them not to. The way the system both transforms handling when you are properly going for it as well as the way it interacts with the vehicles ESP systems is quite amazing :) Needless to say, I'm very impressed, and definitely feel it is worth the cost! Bring on the snow... ;)
