Testimonial - F20 M140i - B1 Suspension & Quaife LSD - Mr Haftavani (Driven+)
Date: 11/11/24
Good morning Kevin,
Hope you had a good weekend.
Just wanted to update you on myself and Tommy’s thoughts of the upgrades you have made to my 140.
My thoughts:
It’s a night and day difference, it unlocks the potential of what a M140i should actually drive like. The power is a lot more useable, the way it handles over a bumpy road is just great. Yourself and the team at Birds have done an amazing job in transforming this car and have my upmost respect for offering this package and going to the level of detail that you have shown.
Tommy’s thoughts:
He knew it would be good, but didn’t expect it to be that good. He said it drives more like a Porsche, he was particularly impressed with how compliant the suspension was but yet when you approach a corner he was taken back with how flat the car stayed.
Thanks again Kevin,
Really appreciate the work you have done